Saturday, March 15, 2025


I was again invited by Mr. Syazwan Shavarein [an ex-student of SMK Taman Universiti] to join his father's company Iftar [breaking fast] session. This year, Thistle Hotel was chosen for the Ramadhan buffet spread.

Despite the fact that the buffet package was quite expensive, there was a huge crowd attending the buffet Iftar. I arrived at the dining hall at about 7:00 p.m. and people were already busy getting their food and some had already had food on their tables.

the queue for durian

There was just too much food that choosing what to eat had become a challenge.

an ex-student of SMKTUN,
Mr. Haikal, saying "hi"

I had to leave by 8:15 p.m. to catch my Isya' and Terawikh prayers.

I got to thank Mr. Syazwan and his parents for the kind gesture of inviting me every year for the Iftar session. Guess that would be the first and last Iftar session for me this year, and I am not complaining.

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