Tuesday, December 10, 2019


9th DECEMBER 2019 ~ Mr. Shamsul Shamsuddin was here in town again as he had to accompany his wife for work related matter. He is an ex-classmate of Budiman class of SMS Muar. We had not met for quite some time so a dinner date was scheduled.

The designated eating place this time was Tepian Tebrau. There were a row of stalls selling all kinds of Malay food. He had a craving for Mee Bandung and luckily there was a stall selling that dish there.

I used to come here late in the afternoon to entertain friends. I did not expect the place to attract many people in the evening. I saw people were still arriving at 9.30 p.m. There was also a singer performing with a live band when I was there.

We then went to another stall for our "Tauhu Bakar" [grilled soy cake with spicy fish sauce and groundnut gravy], which should be something like dessert for us.

Thanks Mr. Shamsul Akmal for the time and the dinner treat, and not forgetting the Sandpaper Vine plants. I will get them transferred into bigger pots soon and when they are blooming with flowers later, it will always remind me of you. 

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