Friday, December 14, 2018


My very first expensive perfume was bought in June 2010 in Stansted Airport in the UK. Perfume was much cheaper abroad especially when there was a big discount given. Believe it or not, this big bottle of perfume lasted for many years - I think almost eight.

Then I started buying more perfumes at the airport free duty shops when I went traveling but when only they were cheap. And soon, the collection grew bigger but I still had to finish the first big bottle of perfume before I opened a new box.

I should have used more than one types of perfume now since I have different brands at home. However, I don't really fancy that idea.

There were times I could not remember whether I had had the perfume in my collection already when I was about to buy one to bring back home. Once I bought exactly the same bottle and just gave it to my BIL as a souvenir.

This should be the biggest bottle of attar oil perfume from Saudi Arabia, given by an ex-student who came back from performing Umrah there.

I wonder if people will be interested to buy my perfumes if I put them on sale.

the latest one - a birthday present

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