Another video of the angklung performance during the PTA meeting. It uploaded successfully, at last. Enjoy!
Friday, April 30, 2010
Thursday, April 29, 2010
FINALLY, I successfully uploaded the video of angklung performance during the PTA meeting after many many attempts. There is one more song which is longer, so I guess I will try that later. Enjoy!
Thanks to Mr. Mustafa Kamal for editing and copying the video clip and also to his daughter Nor Amalina Nadia for recording the performance.
Sunday, April 25, 2010
It is really difficult to carry out activities in school. We have to find any free Saturday and Sunday which are free from any programmes. At last, the school's Chess Club managed to organize the chess competition for this year today. We hope that we can get more people to play chess and at the same time, recruit new chess players for the chess team.
Today's competition was divided into three categories: boys under 15, boys under 18 and girls. Many people turned up to take part. There were about 120 students who came to participate.

I must say that I am proud of the Chess Club committee members as they could carry out activities on their own with little assistance and supervision from the teachers, year in and year out. Congratulations to everybody who has made today's event a success, especially to the committee members.
Saturday, April 24, 2010

I went as a judge for Marching Competition for Kadet Remaja Sekolah (KRS), one of a cadet organizations in school, at district level at SMK Taman Impian Emas. Too bad, there will be no other marching competitions for other uniform units either the government and non-government organizations.

During event like this, I would have the chance to meet other teachers whom I know from other schools and these people have been involved in this competition for many years.
It was scorching hot in the morning until the afternoon and the judging went on until about 2:00 as there were 19 teams taking part. And it was a heavy downpour right after the whole thing had ended. I could see that there were better teams this year and a big improvement as many schools had actually followed the format of the competition which made judging much easier.
Right after dinner, the very next day, we went out for lunch. Someone had a longing for fish so we went to Singgah Selalu Restaurant near Danga Bay for a late lunch. That is what happen when you stay for too long in Qatar, there is always food that needs to be savoured.
Friday, April 23, 2010
This was the third appointment and it was in the afternoon, and there was no other choice as the morning session was for diabetic patients. I was scheduled to meet the doctor at 3:00 p.m. so I went there right after the Friday prayer.
I thought I was an early bird but when I arrived, I could see two long lines had already been formed outside the entranc. As soon as the door was opened, people rushed in to get to Counter A which was actually quite irritating. At Counter A, you will get your number and then you will be asked to go to Counter B.
waiting at Counter B
The last stage of the waiting game is sitting in front of the doctor's room for your number to be called. It was not that long actually, I even had the time to get lunch right after the appointment, and that is another story. By the way, I was asked to go and get the result for my blood test once I entered the doctor's room but I did not manage to snap the photo there because the place was quite open, and I did not have to wait for long.
From what I know, people are prohibited to take photographs in the hospital unless they have changed the regulation. Nevertheless, I am of a different case. I am now a part-time paparazzi.
I thought I was an early bird but when I arrived, I could see two long lines had already been formed outside the entranc. As soon as the door was opened, people rushed in to get to Counter A which was actually quite irritating. At Counter A, you will get your number and then you will be asked to go to Counter B.

At this station, you will have to wait for your number before you are asked to see the doctor. If you are non-government servant, you will need to pay RM1 (only RM1?) here before you proceed.
The last stage of the waiting game is sitting in front of the doctor's room for your number to be called. It was not that long actually, I even had the time to get lunch right after the appointment, and that is another story. By the way, I was asked to go and get the result for my blood test once I entered the doctor's room but I did not manage to snap the photo there because the place was quite open, and I did not have to wait for long.
From what I know, people are prohibited to take photographs in the hospital unless they have changed the regulation. Nevertheless, I am of a different case. I am now a part-time paparazzi.
When old friend comes visiting, that means it is time to eat out. I had to recommend Mr. Razib to Banafee so he could bring other people there in the future.

I must admit that I am not that adventurous when it comes to ordering food. I always stick to food that I am familiar with or that I know is delicious. So I just settled for my meatball spaghetti, and soy and cincau drinks, and Razib liked my choice of dessert too.
I just discovered if we go to that restaurant on Thursday, you will be entertained with ethnic music of the middle-east with gambus being its main instrument. Then, to make things more interesting, you can watch and even learn samrah, another dance that originated from the Arab countries. Too bad, it was too late and I think it was not my cup of tea.
By the way, congratulations to Mr. Razib on the arrival of the new baby. I will go and visit the new bundle of joy in the near future. Singapore - here I come again!
Thursday, April 22, 2010
CLASS/DATE/TIME: 2KP1; Thurs. 5:00-5:35 p.m.
OBJECTIVE: Students should be able to complete the proverbs correctly in the quiz given.
RESOURCE: Handouts containing quiz questions
VALUE: Determination
REFLECTION: The test was carried out successfully. The teacher was having a hard time not to laugh and cry at the same time reading the students' answers.
OBJECTIVE: Students should be able to complete the proverbs correctly in the quiz given.
RESOURCE: Handouts containing quiz questions
VALUE: Determination
REFLECTION: The test was carried out successfully. The teacher was having a hard time not to laugh and cry at the same time reading the students' answers.

Two heads are better than one.
Student's answer: Two heads are terrible.
My busy schedule has started. A few invitations for seminars would mean long days for me in school and less sleeping hours at night.

She was in Taman Universiti before.
I first went to SMK Bukit Indah on Tuesday to meet about five classes of form three students. The next day, I was invited to SMK Mutiara Rini 2 for the same reason.As only selected students were there to listen, which was a relief for me, the session went well with majority of them were listening and writing throughout the two hours slot. It is always a pleasure to share your knowledge with people who want to learn.
Monday, April 19, 2010

Sunday, April 18, 2010

When ex-students invited me for their wedding reception, in a way, I feel appreciated because they still remember me. So, I went to an invitation from Nur Hidayah Mokhsin, one of the students whom I first taught when the school was opened in December 1994.
Lucky enough, I went with her other two classmates/schoolmates, Aidil and Arbaiyah (accompanied by her husband and two kids). Both are now teachers and the bride is a teacher as well. In a way, this like a reunion between a teacher and his students who have chosen teaching as their career. I think I have stayed in the school for a long time already, *sigh*.
Nafil reported:I heard Abdullah b. Umar (Allah be pleased with them) narrating that Allah’s Messenger (may peace be upon him) said: Accept the feast when you are invited to it. And Abdullah (b.Umar) used to come to the feast, whether it was a wedding feast or other than that, and he would come there even in the state of fasting.{Book 8, Volume 16, Number 3344: Sahih Muslim}source:
A poster drawing competition was held in school yesterday by the Persatuan Sejarah (History Society). The theme chosen was "One Malaysia". Many of the posters attracted my attention, so it is my pleasure to post of those that I like in my blog for your viewing pleasure. As you can see, some them are really creative and talented, and this kind of activity will give them a channel to display their skills. Enjoy!


Some Malay words are just difficult to be translated into English, like the word "rezeki". I define "rezeki" as a gift from God that is given when you are least expecting it. The analogy: while you are walking, suddenly you see a RM50 note lying on the street. "Rezeki" can come in many forms and sizes, it can be big and small (quantitatively speaking), it can be in the form of money, food, promotion - anything that can make you happy and be thankful for what you get.
So while we were in the midst of our angklung practice, someone hopped in with a bagful of KFC. Definitely a surprise, a small party was called. Then, some kind teachers gave us extra packed food (mee siam) from other activities held in school, making our feast more complete - and we even managed to get cold drinks from the canteen, another "leftover". It was something really unexpected but we enjoyed ourselves just the same.
Thank you Iqballuqman (actually his father and/or mother) for the generosity. And we will pray for your prosperity and good health in return.
"He who obtains has little. He who scatters has much."
~ Lao Tze ~
~ Lao Tze ~
Saturday, April 17, 2010

There are too many students in my school. For form three, there are 15 classes and with that, there are about 600 students just for that form. So we have to divide the form three into three groups when it comes to conducting seminar with the hope that it will be more effective. The place was spacious, comfortable and cool, there was no reason no to focus. As for this group, they were lucky because the session was held in Fakulti Kejuruteraan Awam in Universiti Teknologi Malaysia nearby. The were given the chance to sit in a lecture hall in a real university and experience university life so I hope this in a way will motivate them further.

I guess my slot went well. The response was good and I was happy for that. We are setting high hopes for students from this group to get A's for their English paper as well as to score straight A's. Wishing them all the best of luck for the coming PMR examination.
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