Sunday, June 12, 2011


The problem of reading a good book is that you will abandon other work which is more important, like marking exam papers, oopss! And then there is this need to write a review of it.

I took 4 days to finish reading this novel, which is a record, and one word that can describe this novel: BRILLIANT! From the very beginning, right until the end, the story is narrated just from the characters' exchanges of scribbled short notes, letters, e-mails, telephone conversations, short message texts, greeting cards, and text of chats in online chat room. My first time reading a story written with this unique style.

The story revolves around the two main characters: Rosie and Alex, best friends since childhood but the major question that needs to be answered is: can BFF be soulmates? You have to read to find out and I can guarantee that you will be glued to the pages because the way Ahern narrated the story is comical and real, very.

I do hope that one day that this book will be turned into a movie and I will be the first one running to the cinema. And if they decide to Americanize everything, they will choose Drew Barrymore or Lisa Kudrow to play the role of Rosie.


  1. saya dah baca buku ni. best gila. the way she write is unique :)

  2. ADAM: i do not expect u to read this kind of book. what a pleasant surprise. lepas ni boleh la tukar-tukar buku citer.
