Monday, December 14, 2009


I was invited by Nan Maran to attend his 21st birthday party. Nan is an ex-student who was always polite and courteous throughout the years he was in school, and I believe he still is and that is the reason why I could not say no.

with the birthday boy

I thought it was just a usual birthday party in the house with a few guests but I was wrong. It was a feast with many people filling in the tent, specially prepared food and with loud music in the air. There were special decorations and bunting - to put it in a nutshell, it was a joyous occasion.

with Nan Maran's friends

these are all my ex-students at the party

I met a few ex-students there as well like Christopher, Sanjeev, Parthiban, Thiban and Sasi. They have all grown into young handsome men (and beautiful ladies too) after a few years leaving school. Well, thanks Nan for inviting me and wish you all the best in the future undertakings.

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