Saturday, July 20, 2019


19th JULY 2019 ~ A "tahlil" event was held by Mr. Sanusi Jusoh at his house in Taman Pulai Jaya specially for our dear friend, Mr. Mohd. Nasir Sardangi, who passed away on 15th July 2019. Male friends (and two female friends) of SMK Taman Universiti, the present teachers and staff, as well as those who have retired and have left the school, were there in the afternoon at about 5.00 p.m.

*NOTE* "tahlil" is a special prayer held for someone who has passed away.

May Allah bless the soul of Mr. Mohd. Nasir Sardangi and place him among the faithful and pious ones.

I am grateful to be in a circle of friends who are kindhearted and I still feel I belong to this group even though I am already in another school for five years. But one thing for sure, we will all miss our dear friend very much and may he rest in peace there.

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