Tuesday, December 23, 2014


There was this one part of the market where tourists did not walk around. At least I did not see any Malaysians around here, I think. If only they could buy all the seafood like fish and prawns to bring back home, I think they would do that too. I was expecting to see unfamiliar items on sale but there wasn't any - I should perhaps come early in the morning to see something more interesting.

When I saw this colourful section from afar, I really thought they were artificial flowers, but they were not. Fresh flowers were in abundance and I guess the Vietnamese produce their own fresh flowers in some parts of the country and the locals are also buying them daily.

Believe it or not, I did not buy even a single thing from the market. I was always out during the day and too tired to visit the market in the evening. Furthermore a night market is held 24/7 so I could just buy similar items from the market easily, especially souvenirs.

What are the useful tips if you are going there? Just bring a lot of money and hone your bargaining skills.

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