Thursday, January 7, 2010


Two ex-students came visiting the school - they must have missed school life after all these years. I will definitely not forget Anas Malik Omar, even after his long stay in Scotland and as forShahima, she has not changed a bit, and they were both from the SPM 2003 batch. Too bad, they came at the wrong time so there was no chance to get them to eat the canteen food again

As for the other ex-students, if you think you want to have a look around at the school you have left behind for many years, you are most welcome for a visit without a guide, though. If you come in the afternoon, you can just say you come to see me but you might have to fill in a form, if the security guard insists. Thanks to Anas and Shima for dropping by.

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  1. of course it is true! but which one?

    i have seen your blog. go on blogging. and hope that u are happy at your new school.
