Saturday, June 23, 2012


TORONTO 1st DAY, 2nd JUNE ~ Upon arriving in Toronto, Mr. Solleh had already had the itinerary ready for me so an hour after that, we started the exploration. The first destination was the museum but we took our time to walk so he could introduce me to the city. One of the places that we stopped for a short while was the Queen's Park which was situated near Ontario Legislative Assembly Building.

There were many statues and sculptures around the place. It was raining, but not heavily though and the temperature was quite low considering it was summer time already.

statue of James Whitney
48th Highlanders
Regimental Memorial

Equestrian statue of Edward Vll

And later in the evening, as we were walking back to the apartment, I watched  Toronto sky darkened and the city was then lit up by the street lights and the lights from the buildings around. Welcome to Toronto, everybody!



  1. Dear Teacher Zainal......can you edit your blog? Please check the last line of the second paragraph and the first line of the third paragraph.
