Saturday, June 8, 2024


7TH JUNE 2024 ~ This was a last minute plan for the weekend outing with friends/ex-colleagues of SMK Dato' Jaafar. Initially, there should be six people who would be joining the trip to Kluang for breakfast. Eventually, only two turned up. The gastronomic adventure must still go on even though there were less people.

The first stop was Kluang Rail Coffee Shop located at Kluang Railway Station, which was the original building. This place should be the oldest coffee shop at a railway station in Malaysia.

When we arrived there at about 11:15 a.m., there was already a long queue forming outside the coffee shop, but it was still bearable. We had to wait for 20 minutes in the line before there were empty seats for us to occupy.

It was already too late for breakfast so brunch it was for us.

The food was good and the prices were actually reasonable. There were already many empty tables when we were enjoying our food so we could stay longer in the coffee shop.

We had to leave by 12:30 p.m. as we had to get to the mosque for our Friday Prayer. However, this was just the beginning and there was still continuation to our gastronomic adventure for the day.

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