Wednesday, June 5, 2024


17th MAY 2024 ~ After the 2-hour ferry ride and the trip to the hotel from the jetty sure left us starving. We decided to get our dinner early as we had planned to go the mall right after. The place was called WTB - the acronym of "Welcome to Batam" which could be seen on top of the hill and the landmark that appeared in photos of visitors to the island.

The place sure had changed a lot. WTB looked so much different when I was there back in January 2020. [READ HERE]

We just settled for this one stall and the cook was not really ready to serve the customers. We were the first ones to stop by and had to wait quite some time for the food to be sent to the table.

While waiting for the food, Mr. Ridwan went to get ice-cream for appetizer.

The food was alright and we were happy not to be hungry anymore. However, the gastronomic adventure of the day did not just end there yet, surprisingly.

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