Friday, June 14, 2024


25th MAY 2024 ~ It was lunch for Mr. Ridwan and Puan Suhaila but I would just consider this my meal for tea time as I had had mine during the wedding reception earlier. We stopped at this restaurant in Setia City Mall called Sepiring which served western and local delicacies.

healthy drinks for health
conscious people

We all went traditional here: I had Curry Laksa, Mr. Ridwan chose Nasi Kerabu while Puab Suhaila settled for Gado Gado.

Lunch was done and the mall hopping activity had come to its end. My gastronomic adventure, however, still continued after this. Mr. Ridwan and his wife made sure I got my dinner before flying back home to Johor Bahru. [READ HERE] I always feel I am getting fatter after seeing these two people.

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