Sunday, June 9, 2024


18TH MAY 2024 ~ The must-visit site when you are in Batam, especially if you are a first timer, would be its Balerang Bridge. From Muhammad Cheng Ho Mosque, we were taken to this iconic landmark of the island [after the driver cum guide could not find the beach we wanted to go to]

The guide stopped right in the middle of the Balerang Bridge so we could admire the structure and the view of the sea. Unfortunately, there were too many freelance photographers who were offering their service which made me uncomfortable to stay there longer. Actually there was one spot where visitors could park their vehicles and walk around to take photos but the driver did not do that.

Instead he took us to another small bridge nearby and from there we could view Balerang Bridge from afar and take more photos. There were no photographers touting us this time luckily so it was more peaceful here.

Been there, done that. It was getting hotter so we quickly made our move to the second mosque of the day.

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