Monday, November 6, 2017


13th OCTOBER 2017 ~ The mosque could be spotted floating on water near Losari Beach. The building was perched on stilts on the ocean and was a sight to behold. It was brightly lit against the dark night and could be seen from afar. When the call for prayer was heard, people started walking to the mosque to carry out their duties.

The praying hall was not that huge though but it was not the size that matters. This place is the best place to perform prayers for the visitors to Losari Beach. There are many other nearby mosques actually there.

There were two counters that took care of people's shoes when they went into the mosque. There would be problems of shoes being stolen while they are inside the building. Visitors are expected to donate no fixed amount of money before leaving.

This should be a landmark that people should not miss when visiting Makassar city - a place I would love to visit again if I were to be back there one more time.

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