Friday, September 14, 2018


8th SEPTEMBER 2018 ~ When the advertisement  for this theatre appeared on my Facebook timeline, I quickly checked the website. I knew this was something I would not miss and fortunately, someone was interested to come along to watch this.

"Encore Melaka" is basically retelling the history of Melaka from the time Parameswara found the Melaka tree to the present day, in a way you will never see history the same again. The whole show was what you got when you combine theatrical art with technology. Great graphics, lighting, music, dancing and acting - everything being staged within 70 minutes. The theatre was presented in three languages: Bahasa Melayu (Malay Language), English and Chinese. You could experience rotating stage and once I could feel the seats were being elevated. There was a huge pool of water with cascading waterfall or heavy downpour with the dancers dancing and splashing water. And I still suspect the pouring water was not real but images flashed on the screen which looked so real.

Surprisingly audience were allowed to take photos and videos inside the hall. Here is one of the scenes I managed to record and get it published on Youtube.

It was definitely worth the distance traveled all the way from Johor Bahru and the expensive tickets (which were actually the cheapest of all (RM128 on weekdays and RM148 during peak season, like when you go to watch on one of long weekends). If you have the time and don't mind spending slightly more than the price of the movie tickets, then you better go. 

How can I describe the whole performance in just one word? SPECTACULAR!

I am hoping the organizer will be putting up more performance here in the future.

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