Thursday, July 15, 2021


    While my other friends in other parts of Malaysia had received at least their first dose of C-19 vaccination, I was the one who still checked my MySejahtera Apps from time to time and wondered when my time would come. Eventually, Puan Wendy Chan, a friend of my TESL UPM group, personally whatsapp-ed me and suggested I tried updating the information in the apps as she got her appointment after doing that. I simply obeyed without setting any high hope, and guess what happened? I updated the apps at 2:30 p.m. and at 9:30 p.m. a message arrived informing that my vaccination date was going to be the very next day.

[Scroll down for the steps to update your MySejahtera profile.]

[WARNING: You are not allowed to take photos in the hall] 😀

I arrived at the PPV centre at 2:00 p.m. and went straight to the first station. Someone collected people's identity cards and shortly after, names were called to go the second station.

It was a short wait at the second station before we were instructed to move to the third counter. I spent longer time at this spot as the person at the table was my ex-student so we chit-chatted. Too bad I couldn't take a selfie with her. Finally I was asked to get into a cubicle for the injection. The nurse should be an expert - I did not feel anything at all and suddenly it was all over. Or perhaps, the layer of fat on the skin functioned well. And I was given Pfizer by the way.

The last station was the spot where we had to wait for a few minutes just for observation for any adverse effect. Then we were let free.

The last step was the customary photo session outside the hall. I had to find someone to get my photos taken and I took his in return. Everything was over in about 30 minutes. The process was systematic and smooth and the people had done a very good job. Congratulations!

And here are the steps that you could try on MySejahtera apps. It worked for me to get my vaccination appointment so you could try your luck too.




Now I have to wait for my second dose in three weeks' time.

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