Wednesday, September 11, 2024


Someone made a mistake thinking today was my birthday and suggested going Chinese for dinner. Too bad it was too early to celebrate so there should be another dinner date next month. Birthday or no birthday, the gastronomic adventure must go on.

We came to Othman Mee Tarik Restaurant in Taman Sentosa once early this year but decided to go somewhere else, and eventually we had the confidence to eat here this evening after watching a video on social media.

We had the signature Beef Noodles [with extra meat] in a big bowl and beef dumplings. I went out with a full tummy and this should get me going for my [special/optional] fasting session on Thursday without having to wake up for my morning meal at dawn.

Thanks Mr. Muhammad Arif Mohd. Nizam for the early birthday treat, but hope there will be another one next month for the real occasion.

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