Thursday, March 28, 2019


26th MARCH 2019 ~ The decision to watch a movie was impromptu, right after the "cendol" session. We went to TGV Tebrau City and there was not much of choice. It was either "Upin dan Ipin" or "Wonder Park" so we opted for the latter.

The animation told the story of a 6 year old girl who should be a science whiz and could easily construct things on her own. She was so full of imagination and one of which was this "Wonder Park" where animals were the operators to make sure people had a good time. Then, at one time, the girl's mother got real sick and had to be sent away for treatment. Consequently, the girl was sad and she stopped imagining things and the park stopped functioning.

I personally feel the movie had such a heavy theme despite the fact that an animation should be more entertaining rather than make people think too much. It was more like a drama for adults rather than a show for small kids. But then, children could easily be entertained with talking animals on screen but I was grateful I did not doze off during the show.

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