Sunday, August 25, 2024


Today was an extra public holiday given by a state government as the state football team won the FA Cup. Coincidentally a friend's birthday fell on the same day and it was the best time to celebrate as everyone was free.

The venue chosen was AEON Bukit Indah. The party was started with lunch at Nando's. It was actually a challenge to get there in the first place as there were many people at the mall and difficult to get a parking space.

After lunch, we then adjourned to Zus Coffee which was just located nearby. The customary cutting the cake, singing the birthday song and handing over the birthday present took place here.

The birthday party lasted for about 3 hours and the gossips seemed to be endless. All good things had to come to an end and hopefully we would be able to meet up again soon to continue the chat session.

Hoping Puan Mazzelina Mahmood had enjoyed the time spent with us on her birthday, and may we be able to celebrate more birthdays to come.

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