Monday, August 12, 2024



   18th JULY 2024    ~ Once we came out of the gondola, we were greeted by this European design building with colourful flowers adorning its compound. There were already many people finding the best spots to take photos.

Then there was this rose garden, with brightly coloured blooming beautifully. We could also smell the sweet and wonderful fragrance of these flowers.

The next attraction of this place was its Herbs Museum. Generally, one could learn about the natural fragrances that could be produced by all the herbs and plants.

The herbs and plants were used in the making of fragrance, soaps and air freshener.

At one section of the museum, visitors could customize and make their own perfume.

On the first floor of the building, there was this "Fairy Tale Forest": a big hall with a forest created with sound. light, aroma and plants. It was like from the movie "Avatar".

Then we went down to the second station and walked around a bit. We could not stay for too long as it got hotter in the afternoon.

The best time to visit Nunobiki Herbs Garden would be in spring as there would be more flowers blooming, I think. If you go there during autumn, you would ne able to see the red foliage covering the hills. And the temperature would not be as high as it was in summer.

It was a great way to spemd the time in Kobe, getting immersed with nature and something I loved doing as I am a gardener at home now.

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