Saturday, August 10, 2024


     5th AUGUST 2024    ~ We had one more gathering for breakfast before leaving Melaka. We had to maximize our meeting time as we were not really sure when we could do this again.

The chosen venue that morning was "Roti Canai Kayu Arang" [TRANSLATE: Charcoal Paratha] in Bachang, Melaka. The place was very popular as there was already a long queue forming when we arrived.

Food was ordered at the front counter at the entrance and then only you would be given the table. Surprisingly, the service was efficient and the queue was moving fast. Most probably, people quickly left their places once food was finished. Unlike us, we still had a long chat and this could be because we ordered a lot of food for breakfast.

We enjoyed all the food bought for breakfast tremendously. There was no surprise we were capable of finishing [almost] everything even though at first there seemed to be no more space on the table for food.

Guess it was time to bid farewell to my TESL friends this time. Thanks to everyone whom I met in Melaka for the great time.

Hoping to see them again in the next wedding reception real soon.

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