Wednesday, May 5, 2021


3rd MAY 2021 ~ I was asked by a colleague to be interviewed by a few undergraduate students of Universiti Teknologi Malaysia [UTM], and one of them is her son. They are studying Mathematics in Education, or something like that, and this must be for one of their assignments. It was about "Effective and Professional Teacher". The Q&A session was conducted on Google Meet - the new normal of doing a coursework for university students these days.

I was not actually sure how it was going to happen but it was all too formal, like a TV live recording. There were actually five of them, asking me questions which I simply answered based on my personal opinion and experience and hope I would not be a bad influence for these future teachers in the making.

It was all over in about 30 minutes. I had to thank them for choosing me for their project work and I was glad to be able to see fresh and eager faces of young people [except for one whose cam was not working] instead of the same, old faces I see in school. 😀

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