Friday, May 21, 2021

THE 9th DAY OF EID 1442H

On the 9th day of Eid, I was invited to the house of Mr. Ahmad Ridzuan Mohamad, a colleague of SMK Dato' Jaafar, at Taman Sierra Perdana. Another colleague was also there with his housemate whose real name I still do not know until today. πŸ˜€

The host and his wife prepared special dishes for us, and I had to personally thank them for the delicious lunch and the hospitality.

With the prohibitions and restrictions during MCO, the visiting activities could not be done anymore like last time and this is already the second year the same thing happens. The best way is by to limit the number of visitors coming at one time and follow the outlined SOPs. Three more weeks to at least enjoy all the Eid cookies in the jars.