Wednesday, May 22, 2024


4th MAY 2024 ~ I was in Kuala Lumpur/Selangor again and this time to attend a wedding reception of an ex-colleague's son in Kuala Selangor [READ HERE]. As usual, my dear friend, Mr. Ridwan Wahid and his wife, Puan Suhaila, were kind and persistent enough to fetch me from my hotel in USJ and take me for breakfast.

For the fear that we would overeat as there were bigger functions which involved eating in the afternoon, they took me to this Mamak Restaurant called Shaaz in Shah Alam. I had been here before [READ HERE] also taken by Mr. Ridwan, and the best thing about this place was that there was one section which was very clean like a hospital ward. 😀

We had the usual variety of Roti Canai and Teh Tarik [for me] before starting the day for more adventures later.

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