Tuesday, September 24, 2019


14th AUGUST 2019 ~ This place was originally a high school but was then turned into a prison and torture centre by the Khmer Rogue regime. It has now become a museum so people could visit and see how cruel and evil the communist regime was.


You should rent the audio aid from the ticket counter so you could understand what had really happened inside these school buildings. Upon arriving, everything looked like the usual school - until we were welcomed by rows of graves in the school compound.

I first went into Block A where there were classrooms that were used as the interrogation rooms cum torture chambers. The furniture like the beds where all the victims were tied to, tortured and left to die were still on their original positions.  There were photos showing how it was all done - too graphic to be shown here.

Just imagine how the innocent people were left to suffer in agony before they died, chained to the beds and the rooms were filled with helpless moans and cries.

This was one of the many pictures of the victims who was a prisoner of Tuol Sleng Prison, which was also known as S-21. Her face depicted sorrow and hopelessness, not knowing what was going to happen next.

The bar was the place where prisoners were hung upside down during interrogation and were severely tortured. Their heads were then submerged inside the water containers on the ground.

Thousands of people were imprisoned here but only twelve survived, seven adults and five children.

The ambience of the place was solemn and melancholic - it was just one miserable place to live in as if the visitors could experience the pain. This would be definitely the place I would NOT go at night even if being accompanied by others.


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