Monday, July 29, 2024


   29TH JUNE 2024    ~ We actually saw this place from Tanjung Lumpur. Located on the other side, we had to actually head back to Kuantan town to get to Taman Gelora.

Taman Gelora was a recreational park by the seaside which was filled with lush, green trees and ponds. The place was popular among the locals as we could see many people jogging and brisk walking and there were two groups doing Tai Chi [Chinese Martial Arts Calesthenics] and Aerobics/Zumba.

There was also an army camp/HQ in front of the park.

Kuantan people should be happy to have this venue that they could go to on weekends of free time. I must say, I love the place that I could just go there to find a place to sit down and observe the surrounding the shady trees.

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