Tuesday, July 2, 2024


A package was placed beside the front door and I realized its presence early in the morning as I was coming home from the "surau" [TRANSLATE: small mosque] on Sunday morning, 30th June 2024.

The name of the sender was not written on the box or anywhere but I could easily guess who the sender was. There were six packets of Rain Lily plants couriered straight to my house by a friend who also shares the same passion.

Only two days after opening the box, I had the opportunity to transfer the plants into the pots. I actually bought the pots from the nursery near my house on Sunday evening, and I still have organic soil stock at home.

I managed to do complete the task and prayed that it would not rain before I finished my job. It had been raining these few days here and gardening would not be something possible when it rained non stop. It is now time to pray for the plants to grow healthily and bloom later.

the expected blooms

Thanks again to Puan Sharon Taty Mokhtar, a friend of UPM TESL Class of 1993, for sending me the plants. And this was not the first or second time she did that. Only Allah may repay your kind gesture.

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