Tuesday, May 7, 2019


23rd MARCH 2019 ~ After successfully buying souvenirs at Gukje Market, I continued walking and searched for Busan Modern History Museum which happened to be just nearby. This should be my second museum in Busan after the mini museum I saw at Gamcheon Culture Village.

I learned a lot of more of the history of Busan in this museum. Even though Busan seemed to be more relaxed if compared to Seoul, it was actually an important city of South Korea. Once it was colonized by Japanese because of the strategic location of the place - the nearest entrance/exit point from and to Japan. Hence, it was important for commercial and military reasons.

Busan Port was also another reason which made the city worth fighting for. During the Korean war, it became the capital city as Seoul was a bit too near to North Korea.

For one thing, there was no entrance fee to get into the museum. You should come here if you want to understand more the development of Busan of the past to the present time.

T O   B E   C O N T I N U E D . . .

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